Quiz Night!

Hi All, It’s the upcoming quiz night on the 16th March at The Ritz social club in Burnham on Sea. We held this event last year and had a great night with lots of laughter. All proceeds raised go to the charity and all are welcome to join us. It…

Brent Knoll Carols Fundraiser

On the 18th December 2017 we were invited to attend the annual Brent Knoll school carols, which was great fun in a beautiful setting. A brass band led the way and there was excellent support. One of our representatives spoke for a few minutes about the work the charity does,…

Thank you Tuckers Fish & Chip Shop!

Last night Tuckers Fish and Chip shop held a fundraiser for Somewhere House Somerset. The event was really well supported as always and they put on a festive xmas train and mulled wine for their customers. A huge thank you from Somewhere House Somerset to everyone who attended, ate lush…

Thank you Burnham Carnival!

On Monday we attended the annual Burnham on Sea Carnival and were privileged to be able to collect money for the charity and raise a total of £443.90 On behalf of Somewhere House Somerset a huge thank you to the Carnival organisers, the volunteers who gave their time to collect…

Thank you Wedmore Beer Festival!

The annual Wedmore Beer Festival was held recently and we have been truly touched by their donation of £1750 to our charity. This will go a long way to help so many people in the local community so to all who supported, a huge thank you from Somewhere House Somerset.…

Jumble Sale Time Again!!

Hello Everyone, It’s that time again, jumble sales are afoot! Please come down and show your support, find a bargain, have a cup of tea/coffee and throw some money in one of the yellow buckets to support our worthwhile community charity. The dates are 22nd July 10.30-1pm and 27th August…

Inaugural Quiz Night

On 16th June we held our first quiz night kindly hosted by the Ritz in Burnham on Sea (thank you all.) There was much fun and hilarious comedy provided by various members of the quiz teams and a good night was had by all. Plus we raised £150 for the…

King Alfred Concert Band Fundraiser

On 23rd June The King Alfred Concert Band played their annual concert raising funds for Somewhere House Somerset. The event was really well attended and the band, fantastic with some real talent performing on the night! There was a raffle and cake sale and all told the event raised over…

Did you know?

Hi All, Just a quick update, did you know that since we started Somewhere House Somerset, we have provided 5813 hours of face to face contact with people in the local community of all ages and for lots of differing reasons? Thank you for your continued support and helping to…